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Career-Focused Liberal Arts Education
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Achieve Your Goals
Achieve Your Goals

o    SMC faculty and staff truly care and fully support student success to help you build the future you want school.

o    Pioneer Advising Center (PAC) advisors provide career counseling, course registration guidance, and encouragement throughout your college journey

o    Make Big Moves toward your goals during class and outside of class on campus, in our community, and even around the world!

o    Limitless opportunities to turn your future goals into goals achieved while at SMC

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So the faculty commitment to educating students, you see here, really goes about in different ways to teach students, because students learn in different ways and they have different methods in how they retain information.

When I sit in a faculty meeting, I hear the voice of people who passionately care about the success of our students.

The Pioneer Advising Center is our full-time academic advisors that work closely with students to identify their majors, plan out their courses, and plan their courses over the next four years. Every incoming student will meet with their advisor before they start their first semester here at SMC.

So over Spring Break, the Spanish professor and I took a group of students to Spain, and we pushed them out to go practice their Spanish skills in the community, and they just had such a wonderful experience-- as did I!

No student is limited Spartanburg Methodist College. In fact, just the opposite. We encourage them to dream big, and we work tirelessly to help them meet their goals.

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Career-Focused Liberal Arts Education
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Achieve Your Goals